JLBN Free WAMP Guides & Web Designs Templates

The idea behind this website

Nowadays, having your own websites, blogs, or forums running on your own web server on your own computer is like one of so many can't-missed fads. So, you finally decide to have your own web server but might have a "little" problem to run WAMP on Windows. Fortunately, you come just the right place for help. To the experiencers, this is nothing special, but hope it comes in handy for the first time WAMP users.

Any comments and/or suggestions would be very appreciated. By the way, if you spot something wrong and/or not approriate, we mean anything, let us know, we will definitely check it out.


Before attempting any change, even the first time password setup, you should perform a full backup first. Check the Backup tutorial through our Guides menu.
Remember to restart your server after ANY change.


WAMP does NOT come with any security add-on; therefore, you MUST have your own methods to secure your web server if it is accessible worldwide or at least follow our SSL/HTTPS tutor through our Guides menu.
You're warned!!!
As mentioned above, we suggest that you should use WAMP for developping; then upload your project(s) to a very low price and reliable web host such as this one:


Open source is freedom ;)

Throughout this website, you will find a lot of various FREE templates and guides. If you like this layout or any other sources and would like to use it in any way, you are free to do so. This design or any other templates each carry their own separate open source license which is chosen by the designer. Upon downloading a design, you agree to use the design under its respected license.
If you use and like this FREE template or any other FREE templates or guides, it is recommended, but not required, that you get the banner or codes through our Themes menu to link back to our website, JLBN; moreover, we spent a lot of time preparing these sources for you to use, for FREE, please consider making a symbolic donation through our PayPal donation.

Additional information

Appreciation, Suggestion, Question, Comment, or considering to have Link Exhange or Advertize on our website, feel free to contact us at webmaster[at]jlbn[dot]net